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Posts Tagged ‘2 months old

isaak had his 2 month dr visit today to check on his apnea issues and a few other lil things.

well, i was right…yeast infection on his neck.dr says keep using the lamisil once a day and the other rashes are like i thought-contact dermatitis and the stork bite on the back of his head is ok even though it has gotten bigger and bright red.

i guessed right- he is 22 inches(my ds2 was 22 inches at birth! lol). and he weighs 10.8!! so he has gained 4 pounds since birth-not too shabby!! icon_heartbeat.gif he is right about 50%th for weight and only about 25%th for height…short and chunky like mama! icon_mrgreen.gif

his head measures 15—lmfao cause ds2,his head at BIRTH was 15!! yea and VAGINAL birth it was horrific to say the least esp with the epidural that did not work,i’m still not over it!! icon_redface.gif

he got 3 shots and i felt so unsure about agreeing to them….ugh.i declined the hep b at the hospital cause did you know it is to protect against an std and only is good til 13yrs of age(about)so i told them if my kid is having sex before 13yrs he has more to worry about with ME than an std!! lol but todays shot was a combo-hep b was mixed in with polio and one other one…he got 5 vaccines and 3 pokes omg that is just too much for little ones icon_sad.gif it is such a hard choice to make with vaccines nowadays i am so worried. we have so manytough choices tomake as parents nowadays.

while waiting for the shots i had him over my shoulder and he was getting hungry so he started sucking on his forearm and OMG did he give himself the biggest darkest hickey!! lmao. i took a photo with my cell phone…goin to try and figure how to upload it later on…or take another with the digi.

the dr thought his cloth diapers were ‘way cool’. lol 😉 i’ve finally gotten confident enough to use cloth outside the home too since they hold so well and we have less leaks with cloth than disposable-even at NIGHT when wearing it for many hours straight!

almost 2 months old 9/25 wearing a small fuzzibunz

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May 2024

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