My Life In Words

Posts Tagged ‘karma

saturday i took all the kids to lakeland for a childrens festival at the kids hands on museum,a place we all really love! most of the activities were outside in the park across from the museum so we did that before going inside.

i kept my camera in my shorts pocket and i had the stroller with me too just in case one of the littles acted up and needed to be contained!lol

after we went inside i reached for my camera and realized it was GONE! my heart dropped and i panicked. MY CAMERA!! it can’t be,i can’t lose my camera! OMG! so i grabbed the kids up and we went back outside to the park to re trace our steps. i knew it had to have fallen out of my pocket when we sat a a table for lunch but it wasn’t there. so we started walking around the park and headed to the bounce house area. i was in the midst of reprimanding lukas who had no qualms about screaming and throwing a tantrum in front of hundreds of people. and really,i could care less if he tries it in public cause after 3(almost 4 kids) it doesn’t phase me-i will still reprimand/punish my children no matter the location and i’ll be damned if people staring will stop me. jakob got a clue a couple years ago,lukas has yet to catch on! haha.

so i didn’t notice at first but this couple were walking straight towards me and the guy has his hand stretched out in front of him holding something….yupper!! MY CAMERA! omg i stopped dead in my tracks and was speechless. he said they had been walking around looking for me and they knew it was mine because they reviewed the pix i had on there and recognized ‘the cute little girl with the barrettes in her hair’ -YAY. i could have kissed their feet i was so happy. i really thought it was gone for good. i guess i’ve lost faith in people lately but there is STILL good out there by golly,there really IS!!  i couldn’t thank them enough!!

so i think it was just my time for good things to come my way! i’ve been giving away a lot of items the past month on my website , as RAK(random act of kindness) and to PIF(pay it forward). i truly think it paid off! what goes around came around for me when i really needed it. i just couldn’t stop thinking how lucky i was for the rest of that day.i was amazed at the couple,i mean they found it(near the table where i thought it was lost)and instead of just turning it in somewhere they sought me out by taking up THEIR time and walking around the festival trying to find me. luckily erika was in the stroller and easy to spot when they did see me. talk about being in the right spot at the right time!


i am disgusted with more than a few people! i have been so kind as to loan several ppl different items and NONE of them have ever been returned!

shame on me for being kind i guess. 😦

a few of the items that belonged to my KIDS that were never returned and/or ruined/damaged:

butterfly habitat,used and put holes in it,rendering it useless for future use-have not gotten it back

baby sign language book-eaten by the persons son,niiiiiice-not been returned

fairly expensive spf bathing suit with matching top-snap torn off the top and never got either one back!!(same person as the above book! lowest of the low!)

**very expensive crib tent with sentimental value(bought for my first child),used and put major wear on it and never returned-i am holding out some small hope that she makes good on this,and if she does i will update!

childs health book-this was eventually returned to me but had many messed up pages and a couple of marks

seriously,how ignorant can one be? if you borrow something from an individual it is your responsibility to take care of said item! not let your child/ren destroy it! and if they do happen to destroy it,then you should-in good faith-replace the said item in full and in a timely manner!

i hope no one lets these ppl borrow a vehicle!!

** update! all i have to say is karma is a bitch,and you will get yours! well,that really goes for all of them i guess,huh? 😉

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May 2024

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