My Life In Words

We Are Truly Lucky Erika Is Here And Healthy!!

Posted on: May 1, 2007

 so i had been having NST’s cause i was ill at ease with her movements. i talked the dr into induction and he gave me april 30th. i wanted it to be sooner plus the dr i THOUGHT was on call that day wasn’t my top i talked him into letting me go in on the 27th instead.

do you guys realize what probably would have happened had i accepted the date of induction for the 30th? 😮 even the 3 ob’s from the practice who visited with me couldn’t beleive how it all worked out and how mommys intuition about baby was right on.i just can’t get over how everything happens for a reason….

when we got to l&d(about 2am) i was less than 2cm and 50% effaced. ZERO contractions. the nurse decides to just monitor me for about an hr to get a feel for what my body and baby were doing…then we would go from there with adding induction meds. THANK GOD she started out slowly.

erikas heart rate plummeted a few times below 80 and once as low as the low 70’s. i was so scared-4 nurses came running into my room and flipped me side to side while manipulating my belly and moving the straps around. they were talking amongst themselves and i knew it wasn’t good.they had paged the on call dr who said do NOT start the induction,to just monitor me til morning and if it happens again to call him in for a csection.

so they got erika back on the monitors and her heart rate looked okay for a few minutes.

next thing i know my nurse comes in and says she is gonna give me a catheter since they no longer wanted me out of bed and because she said it was looking like a section. my gosh that hurt!(ends up she put it in WAY too high),then i got shaved while kerry got OR scrubs on.i was freaking out so bad! i started to vomit and cry at the same time.they had oxygen on me and we were waiting for the man with the goodies.

he was AWESOME! he eally helped me to avoid a full blown panick attack in the OR.he explained the diff. between an epidural and a spinal,and why i was getting the spinal. it took 3 tries for him to get it in th right spot.even tho it hurt alot,it was easier to endure than an epidural amidst a contraction ya know? the spinal took about 12hrs to fully wear off so i could walk and move around like normal. i had other adverse effects that took 2 days to clear from the spinal.

when they brought kerry in i lost it again.i was so scared i would feel being cut open and not be able to speak.but it went really actual pain,just a ton of pulling,pushing,etc etc.the anesth. talked me thru it and gave me extra meds to help the anxiety and other odd feelings i had.

i didn’t get to see erika until they brought me to recovery.those 15minutes seeemed like a yr! i saw her from afar tho.and when they pulled her out and she cried,i felt tears fall from my eyes while a literal 100 pound brick was lifted from my chest. my initial fears were gone!

my ob made some comments as to what they thought was the problem. she had a nuchal cord but in addition her cord was abnormally thin and lacking jelly. this jelly is what gives the cord the many many spirals it has,which in turn helps to prevent kinks and compressions.also,lacking jelly means if baby lays on the cord there is no ‘safety net’ of the jelly to absorb the weight of baby and avoid compression. so we figure that is why the severe decel with her heart since she lacked the jelly,plus a thin cord means for a small baby,but we don’t know HOW/WHY her cord was this way.

so i guess my 36wk sono scan was a bit off huh? they had her weight at 6p6o at that time.

So…..i wasn’t in labor,i wasn’t on any induction meds….yet baby erika was suffering and having very low dips in her heart rate. can you imagine if i DID go into labor? marcantel said there’s no way she would have been able to make it thru labor if she was having so much trouble just ‘being’.she very well would not have made it to the first induction day they had me down for.

i’m telling you-it pays to be persistent at times! OMG does it ever! we may not have erika right now if it wasn’t for me speaking up about the induciton date…and in the end it all worked out! the dr not at the top of my list is the one who did the surgery(lol),and he got to the OR in less than 15m after being paged!! he did great so far as i know! 😛 and came to see us before we got discharged to talk about how things played out.

6 pounds 12 1/2 ounces (6 pounds 7 ounces upon discharge)
18 1/2 inches long
4:51 AM 4/27/07

oh i must say…..percocet ROCKS! tho it doesn’t seem strong enough most times.



(hind sight is always 20/20!

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May 2007

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