My Life In Words

Archive for the ‘Pregnancy’ Category

 i cannot begin to describe how betrayed i feel. grown women whom i thought were my friends-some for over 3yrs-have said such nasty things about me and my family.

and yea,it really WAS said-i was given the opportunity to read all 100+emails that took place between a group of moms where all they did was bash us and try to stir shit. the ringleader of it all went so far as to START THIS at a moms night out of all places. of course,i wasn’t in attendance.but she happened to be upset with me at the time and apparently was willing to do whatever it took to fuck up my life…even going so far as to make shit up…really bad shit! so what if some of it was true? she had NO business disclosing my private life to ANYONE!

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so today i put erika in the bouncy while AWAKE so kerry could put cream on my skin infection boo boo.

she started to cry but of course we couldn’t get her right away. she cried MAYBE 3 minutes and then nothing!

i had kerry go check her real quick and she was sound asleep! and still is! o nearly 2hrs out of my arms!

so i grabbed my pillow and laid down on the couch to try and rest.i guess i fell asleep cause next i know there is a loud knock on the door. it was the church ppl.they stop by every saturday with candy for the bus kids and to see who is going and who is not.

so we chatted for a few minutes and then i felt this wet sensation on my toes. i was like huh? .. then it dawned on me…i never put my nursing bra/pads on today and i was leaking like a faucet! lmfaoooooooo so i crossed my arms and hoped they hadn’t noticed! how funny!

it HAS been over 3hrs since her last feeding,so i may have to wake her soon.i am thrilled to have 2 arms for this long! it is a first during the daylight hours.

i also realized how quickly i got off of the couch,i mean without thinking cause the knock startled me so much. TOO quickly cause i was shaking and real light headed.but the pain wasn’t as bad as yesterday,so maybe there is hope. ;D heck,i am still shaky.

oh,and i am also down an additonal 6p from my starting preggy weight! i weighed as soon as i woke up this time.i couldn’t beleive it! i also found out that nursing burns an average 500 calories a day-equivalant to running 5miles! o

what i weigh now i haven’t seen in well over a yr!!

 so i had been having NST’s cause i was ill at ease with her movements. i talked the dr into induction and he gave me april 30th. i wanted it to be sooner plus the dr i THOUGHT was on call that day wasn’t my top i talked him into letting me go in on the 27th instead.

do you guys realize what probably would have happened had i accepted the date of induction for the 30th? 😮 even the 3 ob’s from the practice who visited with me couldn’t beleive how it all worked out and how mommys intuition about baby was right on.i just can’t get over how everything happens for a reason….

when we got to l&d(about 2am) i was less than 2cm and 50% effaced. ZERO contractions. the nurse decides to just monitor me for about an hr to get a feel for what my body and baby were doing…then we would go from there with adding induction meds. THANK GOD she started out slowly.

erikas heart rate plummeted a few times below 80 and once as low as the low 70’s. i was so scared-4 nurses came running into my room and flipped me side to side while manipulating my belly and moving the straps around. they were talking amongst themselves and i knew it wasn’t good.they had paged the on call dr who said do NOT start the induction,to just monitor me til morning and if it happens again to call him in for a csection.

so they got erika back on the monitors and her heart rate looked okay for a few minutes.

next thing i know my nurse comes in and says she is gonna give me a catheter since they no longer wanted me out of bed and because she said it was looking like a section. my gosh that hurt!(ends up she put it in WAY too high),then i got shaved while kerry got OR scrubs on.i was freaking out so bad! i started to vomit and cry at the same time.they had oxygen on me and we were waiting for the man with the goodies.

he was AWESOME! he eally helped me to avoid a full blown panick attack in the OR.he explained the diff. between an epidural and a spinal,and why i was getting the spinal. it took 3 tries for him to get it in th right spot.even tho it hurt alot,it was easier to endure than an epidural amidst a contraction ya know? the spinal took about 12hrs to fully wear off so i could walk and move around like normal. i had other adverse effects that took 2 days to clear from the spinal.

when they brought kerry in i lost it again.i was so scared i would feel being cut open and not be able to speak.but it went really actual pain,just a ton of pulling,pushing,etc etc.the anesth. talked me thru it and gave me extra meds to help the anxiety and other odd feelings i had.

i didn’t get to see erika until they brought me to recovery.those 15minutes seeemed like a yr! i saw her from afar tho.and when they pulled her out and she cried,i felt tears fall from my eyes while a literal 100 pound brick was lifted from my chest. my initial fears were gone!

my ob made some comments as to what they thought was the problem. she had a nuchal cord but in addition her cord was abnormally thin and lacking jelly. this jelly is what gives the cord the many many spirals it has,which in turn helps to prevent kinks and compressions.also,lacking jelly means if baby lays on the cord there is no ‘safety net’ of the jelly to absorb the weight of baby and avoid compression. so we figure that is why the severe decel with her heart since she lacked the jelly,plus a thin cord means for a small baby,but we don’t know HOW/WHY her cord was this way.

so i guess my 36wk sono scan was a bit off huh? they had her weight at 6p6o at that time.

So…..i wasn’t in labor,i wasn’t on any induction meds….yet baby erika was suffering and having very low dips in her heart rate. can you imagine if i DID go into labor? marcantel said there’s no way she would have been able to make it thru labor if she was having so much trouble just ‘being’.she very well would not have made it to the first induction day they had me down for.

i’m telling you-it pays to be persistent at times! OMG does it ever! we may not have erika right now if it wasn’t for me speaking up about the induciton date…and in the end it all worked out! the dr not at the top of my list is the one who did the surgery(lol),and he got to the OR in less than 15m after being paged!! he did great so far as i know! 😛 and came to see us before we got discharged to talk about how things played out.

6 pounds 12 1/2 ounces (6 pounds 7 ounces upon discharge)
18 1/2 inches long
4:51 AM 4/27/07

oh i must say…..percocet ROCKS! tho it doesn’t seem strong enough most times.



(hind sight is always 20/20!

ya know…since we will be leaving here not much after midnight thursday-it is really only like 2 days til my induction! o

i just spent 40minutes on the phone with a nurse at the hospital doing the pre-induction interview and getting the anesthesia paperwork taken care of. she also jotted down the few requests i have regarding the birth and made notes on some other stuff for me.

i had LOTS of questions and got them all answered…i feel quite a bit better! ;D i can also get the epidural based upon pain level,they won’t even check my cervix in order for me to get one ) they will let me go by pain,not dilation!! 8-)

and they will start the induction when we get there,not in the actual morning like i was thinking. depending on my internal they will use the cervical pill first then add pitocin or just use pitocin. with lukas,i never needed the pitocin,the pill put me into labor so we shall see.

and if all goes well,we could potentially be released within 24hrs of the birth,not the typical 48 like it used to be. they can now do the PKU at 1 day old so long as baby has had 3 protein feeds-either breast or bottle.

man,it is starting to sink in now! lmao! OMG! o

this is really really hard. he was the best friend i’ve ever had in my life.

we actually met right before i turned 21 and we dated for 2 1/2yrs. after the relationship ended,our connection didn’t. we each had a special place for the other in our hearts.

we used to talk all the time. sometimes daily,then sometimes we would drift apart for a few weeks before talking again.

we only saw each other a couple times a yr even tho he lived in town.

he knew me better than i knew myself,i could go to him for anything/about anything.

he even gave me a spare key to his apartment,telling me if i ever needed to get away or had to talk…his door was always open.

he was like my angel on earth,always looking out for me and what was best for me.

then these last few months,we went into that drifting phase again. between my pregnancy and the other things going on in my life we just didn’t talk as often.

i am so angry right now……he last called me on his birthday last month….we spoke for a bit and i tried to catch him up with everything going on….but i remember we had to hang up and i told him i would call him back soon to finish our talk since the kids were up and i couldn’t really say everything in front of them….. i never called him back….and now it’s too late.

i didn’t even know he went into the hospital until a couple days ago when a mutual friend told me. she swears she texted me to let me know…and she very well may have….my cell sometimes is that way. so i freaked out and called a few hospitals the other day trying to find him. but then she tells me the last text she got was him saying he was getting out the next day,so i felt better knowing that….but then i recalled his email bouncing on me recently and when i tried to call his cell it was out of service…so i flipped out again.

as a last resort i sent his exwife an email,and prayed she would at least respond. i got that response today.and i am just hoping it is some sort of cruel joke,but i know it’s not. she offered for me to call her if i wanted to know anything more,that tells me it is not a joke.she said she tried to contact everyone from his cell…and now i know that had to be her who answered my text message april 3rd,then called my phone but i didn’t answer. i texted back i was unable to talk at the moment.

i can’t stop crying,thinking back over the last 13yrs that i have known him and all the memories we shared together.i just am in shock.i really wish i had known,and talked with him.i don’t know why he didn’t call to let me know he was sick? all i can hope is he didn’t want to add any stress to me with everything else going on…i don’t know the answer tho….

he died march 24th….the day of my boys bdayparty, he was buried the 29th….the day i had my ultrasound.

i plan to contact his ex and find out where he is buried,i am hoping it is local.kerry said he’d go with me to buy flowers and visit the grave….unless he was cremated. i don’t know.

he was one of those ppl who enter your life and make such a huge impact that your whole life is changed forever….and i ended up being a crappy friend in the end and not taking the time out to call him back when it really really would have mattered. i can’t forgive myself for that…knowing i’ll never hear his voice again hurts.

ok,i guess i am done,i needed to get all that out. thanks for reading if you did.

edited to add…..i couldn’t find an obituary online anywhere so i was hoping it was a cruel joke….i called the hospital where he worked and asked to be transferred to his floor. a coworker confirmed it-he is dead. that’s it….no joke,it’s for real.i don’t want to beleive just isn’t,my heart really hurts.

Rest In Peace!


so i actually GAINED weight this time! riot up to almost 10pounds total! lol

bp was good but on the low end for me at 115/58. erikas heart rate was kinda low for her too,at 140.

i told him i wasn’t feeling many movements today,and my efforts to get her to move by drinking coke and eating oreos didn’t work.candy ….so he told me to go to l&d for an NST when we were thru.

i am between 1-2cm dilated,and she is ‘floating’. pout

found out the doc i like least is the one on call for my induction date of the 30th,so i asked if there was any way to change it. he said probably not because they REALLY don’t like to induce AT ALL early unless there is a problem…but i of course persisted without telling him it was cause of the dr(didn’t seem right at the time…..)and he said when i got to l&d i could talk to the nurse about setting it up for friday. he wouldn’t go any sooner than that day though. and the 27th is what i had for my due date,he has the 30th. lol

SO…….i explained to the nurse my main reasoning for the change and i got in for friday at 1am. unfortunately it is NOT with my main dr whom i dearly love,but it is with another one who is nice and i feel ok about.she told me i will need to call thursday around 11pm to be sure there is a bed for me tho.crossed

so i got on the monitors there and my bp was a mere 96/58! omg she said that is perfect! lol i have NEVER had a bp that low before!! i guess it is cause i only slept 3hrs last night?dunno

erika was moving just fine of course!blush her heart rate varied from 117 all the way up to 168! omg AND AND AND!!!! i was having CONTRACTIONS!!!!yahoo nothing regular but they were there and registering on the strip!!!

the nurse said peace of mind is what is important and if i feel the need to come back at anytime then to do so. they are all so awesome! they don’t make ya feel ‘silly’ for coming in,no matter what it is for!heart they really seem sincere and understanding!

and darnit ,i forgot to ask the dr if he would do a membrane sweep.

so today i got a refill on my ambien cr and i was bored. so i read the pamphlet that the pharmacist puts on the bag-the whole thing.

in big letters it says TAKE ON AN EMPTY STOMACH. ) uh….something like THAT should be a label ON the damn bottle in my opinion!! any time that was part of a medicine i have had it as a sticker ya know?

gee,i wonder if THIS is why it only works sometimes?? omg i was like HELLO?!?!!?!?

i did my research on the drug itself and how safe it is for pregnancy,etc…and i knew the side effects so i saw no real reason to read that paper. UGH. lesson learned i guess.

might end up back at l&d later today……already spoke with the nurse and i have to do kick counts every couple hrs today,as opposed to the normal 1-2 times a day.

last night before bed as is my routine,i did them with her(i also do them at least once in the day). well,it took *40*minutes to get her first movement. -/ that was with me AND kerry poking,prodding,shaking the belly. i drank oj,water,laid on my left,my right,my back….then finally after the 40m she moved 5 times in the the next 20m. the guideline is 6movements in an she pretty much made it,but still!

about an hr later she was moving more on her own tho,not really ‘active’,kwim? but moving which is GREAT! i know,she is running outta room so i try to keep that in mind but at this late stage i can’t help but be paranoid. -[

SO…….i’ve just had 2 more cups of oj and an apple smothered in peanut butter. gonna go lay down and do some counting. she has been moving,but i need to be 100% sure she makes the minimum 6 in an hr. thru out the rest of the day…if not i need to go get monitored again.

i hate this worrying! i just want to hold her in my arms and know she is safe. '(

my bp was good at 125/68,weight down another pound so i think that puts the gain at 8 1/2 total?

my belly was actually measuring at 39weeks o,could be the yummy chickfila i ate in the parking lot tho! -*

only 1cm dilated,i was actually just a fingertip last week…but still not much of a change… -/ he is thinking i will need the induction from what he can ‘tell’ thus far. i am gonna ask if he will do a membrane sweep next thursday…otherwise the date is set for the 30th at 1am.

he sent me to l&d cause her movements really slowed down and she didn’t even move during the internal..which is i had iced tea on the way to the appt.and lemonade with lunch and still hadn’t felt her.

so they monitored me for awhile and while she was moving on the ‘slow’ side,she did pass….but he said even tho she seems ok and happy today that doesn’t mean tomorrow will be the same(gee thanks! lol). he said don’t hesitate to come back for monitoring even if it’s every day,just to be sure things are ok.

he said she may just have been having a sleep cycle. she only had 2 HUGE movements while on the machines..the rest i wasn’t even really feeling. -/

i just have to really be consistent with kick counts with her,i didn’t have to worry about that with the boys. (

the 2 nurses i got to meet were very nice and made me feel comfortable. at least i got to see part of the wing! hehe

he at first said to wait til next wk to schedule the induction but the look on my face made him smile and he said ok ok you twisted my arm,i’ll go check the schedule books. hehe i love this man!

oh..the group b strep was negative too. WOOHOO! 3 for 3.

….and he has my EDD down for the 30th,that is why he didn’t make the date before then. they won’t budge on that! lol P i told him i charted,etc etc but they are going with the 30th. 3 days isn’t a huge deal…at least i keep telling myself that! 8-)

last night(or rather reeeaaaal early this morning),i was about to go to bed and something told me to go potty just one more time! lol i didn’t really NEED to tho…. )

i’ve started to lose my plug! ;D this is when it gets exciting! lol could it be 2 days or 2 weeks away? -/

i started losing it with jakob at 39wks and had a bloody show in the hospital lobby bathroom…we were on our way up for induction!

never lost it prior to induction with lukas.

it’s nice to know my body is starting the process!! TOO COOL!

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